
This program examines the true power and influence and explores new paradigms of effective leadership.  The flagrant abuses and misuses of power bombard us daily on TV screens, social media and the Internet. We are witnessing the resurgence of overt racism, sexism, gender discrimination, religious intolerance and its devastating impact on our society and workplace.

Now more than ever, a more connected and interrelated view of leadership is critically important for the world.  This all-encompassing influence brings forth novel and distinctive solutions to personal and global problems. It offers a new vision of leadership that is a natural paradigm shift from the lens of control, domination, and one-upmanship towards a more inclusive and compassionate model, emphasizing the greatest good for all. This infusion of the consciousness of oneness into the highest levels of the workforce sets the stage for a greater balance of power and a more cohesive, interconnected vision for the world. This is what Helen Keller meant when she said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”.

In this program, each participant will use the tools of Eidetic Imagery to understand the nature of true power. Through this process, we will see how empathy, compassion, inclusiveness and altruism increases one’s influence far more than the old systems of domination and control. We will uncover the ‘perpetrator’ within for illumination and self-awareness and unleash the hidden positive potentials stored within our psyches. Each participant will envision how to manifest their most potent abilities and powers, in their professional and personal relationships, and in the world. 



  1. Learn the distinction between abusive and dominating power vs. the power of beneficial influence upon others.

  2. Present research on the distinctions between the male and female psyche today and their use of power based on gender socialization.

  3.  Offer imagery exercises to reveal each participant’s ability to lead with heart and compassion and tools to  experience it’s enhanced impact on their leadership abilities.

  4. Provide access to the underlying source of each person’s innate wisdom, bringing forth their authentic power and strengthening their ability to succeed in their career and personal life.

  5. Discover the shadow side and illuminate the “inner perpetrator” within us all.

  6. Offer tools for creating more harmonious relationships at work and for generating a positive culture and team bonding from an authentic position of strength and influence.

  7. Unleashing the source of each person’s creativity and passion, with how to bring these qualities of spirit and heart to one’s work.

  8. Present methods for engaging with male and female colleagues, supervisors, or team members with compassion, efficiency and power.



By the end of the seminar, each person will have developed more self-awareness and self-confidence in understanding the nature of how deal with power and influence.  They will be armed with specific tools to overcome anxiety, conflict, and difficult conversations occurring in the workplace and elsewhere. They will emerge with the knowledge and the ability to create success in her endeavors, goals and working relationships through the right use of power.


Eidetic Imagery helped increase my mindfulness and confidence around navigating difficult and emotionally-charged situations. I have used these tools in my personal and professional life to help drive more successful interactions and outcomes. I've seen incredible impact for others as well. Several people in my organization have used these techniques and have reported feeling empowered and empathetic through some of their most stressful situations.

Selin Song, Managing Director of Global Strategy and Operations, Google Marketing Solutions

Eidetics gives us the insight to unleash our full power.

Rick Peterson, Director of Pitching Development, Baltimore Orioles 

The principles of this approach rely on bright visual images and the feeling of “reality” they project inside the mind, so that inner and outer realities are bound together in the body of a single operation...[one becomes aware] of the fascination inherent in imagery, the tricks it can play with consciousness, and the benefits that may lie in its understanding and use.